Monday, August 23, 2021


 This is not your weekly "aspire to acquire". It is rather a personal question.

Like why are you doing what you are doing?

Why are you studying that course?

Why are you at that Job?

Why did you start that business?

Why did you get into that training?

What exactly motivates you?

Achievements? Grass greener on the other side? Money? 🤑

The above-listed motivation is good but it is not good enough.

It means that if life happens(as it usually does from time to time) you will quit.

Motivation should be two fold

what you intend to achieve and how you can achieve it consistently.

I for instance have been into cryptocurrency for a long time.

Through the highs and lows, thick and thin,

Money is a big motivation for me but achieving a sustainable means of income is a bigger motivation.

It means I will research on ideas, Jump on relatively new yet promising opportunities to achieve that goal.

One of such promising opportunities is in the Royal Q bot.

I mean our most recent group has students cashing out on a stead

If your motivation is like mine. Hop in and make the most of your time by joining our saturday presentation in ogba lagos for free;

You also get to be involved in our free  trainings every weey for registered members only as well where we share proven ideas on how to grow your finances steadly and earn $100 daily or more.

Join by clicking on the link below for further information

Click here for registration and download the application

Talk Soon,

Ojesanmi Peter

Sunday, May 30, 2021


 Market players are as yet able to sell the greenback on vertical moves, recommending the American money will stay on the backfoot nowadays. The greenback continues to move close by US government security yields, which reflect US expansion assumptions. 

US information DESK offered transient help to the USD, on Friday, close by features demonstrating President Joe Biden would report a$ 6 trillion spending program. Nonetheless, a similar news helped stocks, setting a limit for the dollar's development.

The EUR/USD pair settled around 1.2200 while GBP/USD shut around 1.4190, both close to their highs. 

In Europe, European Central Bank policymakers have been absolutely wary on their remarks, demonstrating that they will keep up their super free financial strategy in the midst of proceeded with vulnerability and low expansion. As opposed to what occurs in the US, where inflationary tensions build and policymakers are available to examine fixing.

The UK's huge inoculation crusade prompted lifting limitations in the realm by ventures, with the last one planned for June 21. All actions are planned to be lifted, and free worldwide travel should continue that day. Notwithstanding, the expanding number of new infections because of the referenced strain puts at question facilitating limitations in three weeks. 

Among4 product connected monetary standards, the aussie was the most vulnerab4le, and the CAD stayed the most grounded. AUD/USD is attempting to hold the 0.7700 limit while USD/CAD exchanges beneath 1.2100. The USD/JPY pair flooded to110.20 yet settled beneath the 110.00 level. 

Money Street figured out how to post unassuming additions on Friday, finishing the week up. US Treasury yields recuperated, yet finished the week minimal changed and at the lower end of their new reach. 

Gold keeps on beating. The splendid metal settled over 1,900 and is ready to broaden its development. Raw petroleum costs facilitated on Friday, with WTI finishing the week at $ 66.60 a barrel.


Thursday, May 20, 2021

10 Benefits of #Investing in #Omegapro


10 Benefits of Investing in Omegapro

 1 . You earn passively ... That's without doing anything apart from setting up an account by buying a #Forex or #Crypto Trading License. 

 2 . You don't need to bring anyone before you earn. 

 3 . You're paid minimum of 0.45% returns daily or 10% - 37% monthly for 14 months. 

 4 . You don't have to contact any omegapro staff for withdrawal of this money...The system credits this money automatically into your ewallet every 24 hours(Monday - Friday)! 

 5 . You're paid in ewallet dollars which you can convert to Bitcoin or cash in Naira.

 6 . You can upgrade your account anytime....start small if you don't have much cash and later increase your investment

 7 . A referral bonus that pays you twice for your downlines... First as a direct referral and secondly, when you complete your second leg.. Let me explain. 

Assuming you bring in two persons, one on your left and the other on your'll be paid 7% each from both of them and another 10% for your binary structure...! 

 8 . You're likely to benefit from price or exchange rate appreciation. I invested when $1,000 = N370k. 

Today, $1,000 = N500k

 9 . You'll be a pioneering member of this smart fintech Company with its fast worldwide growth, and already officially launched in Nigeria.

 10 . You'll have the option of building a global 21st century business where you can get paid weekly and monthly for businesses generated by you and your entire downline team..earn from other people's investments, other people's effort, other people's sweat, other people's money and other people's time. 

 Remember, Success occurs when information meets timely action.


Tuesday, May 18, 2021


1. Uptrend: An upswing portrays the value development of a resource when the general heading is vertical. In an upturn, each progressive pinnacle and box is higher than the ones discovered before in the pattern. 

The upswing is thusly made out of higher swing lows and higher swing highs. 

However long the cost is making these higher swing lows and higher swing highs, the upturn is considered unblemished. 

An upswing further comprises of higher highs and lower highs as demonstrated in the graph above

What is a higher high? (HH) 

It straightforward implies that resulting candles have shut over the past ranges on the specific time period being referred to and this frequently thought to be bullish and definitely joined by higher lows (HL) 

Higher lows ? (HL) 

This Infers a nearby over the past low on the previous time span being referred to as found in the graph above. 

2. Downtrend: A downtrend alludes to the value activity of security that moves lower in cost as it varies after some time. 

While the cost may move discontinuously sequential, downtrends are described by lower pinnacles and lower box over the long run. 

Specialized experts focus on downtrends on the grounds that they address something in excess of an arbitrary losing streak. 

Protections in a downtrend appear to be bound to keep moving lower until some economic situation changes, inferring that a downtrend marks in a general sense decaying condition. 

A downtrend comprises of lower highs(LH) and lower lows(LL) . 

A lower high (LH) as found in the picture above, would mean that the cost has shut lower on resulting time periods and is unmistakably bearish.

A lower low (LL) 

As construed from the name, you can tell that cost has since been shutting lower on ensuing candles on the time period being analyzed and is without question bearish. 

Information on the pattern of the market ought to commonly help limit misfortune and boost benefit. 

Ps. It is essential to consider the pattern on double-crossing casings to give a more clear image of what is reachable as surveys on particularly a more modest time period may prompt a rushed end on the pattern being referred to. 

I'm not a monetary guide and the above ought not to be seen as a monetary exhortation or saw as same, I trust you're ready to acquire something from the above regardless. 

Now listen, i have an offer for you to earn in the forex market without trading and bothering yourself with all this technical analysis and it is called OMEGAPRO

with a minimum of $100, you can grow it to $100,000? 

Yes, all you need is to attend our weekly zoom presentation at 7:00pm Nigerian time TEXT OMEGAPRO ZOOM to +2347032416310 and i will get you connected 

Monday, May 17, 2021

Instructions to begin forex exchanging from home – A demonstrated methodology

 I need to impart to you a few hints to begin a forex business from an amateur level. Specifically, how to begin a forex business appropriately. In the event that you are keen on the forex exchanging business, most importantly, you ought to get your work done and discover as a matter of first importance the fundamental insights concerning the forex exchanging business. For instance, what is the base sum required? 

A few specialists may offer you their administrations. You can utilize any at least one forex exchanging dealers dealing with your ventures and exchanging the forex exchanging market. Yet, here we are discussing forex exchanging tips to assist you with choosing which forex exchanging representative to utilize. Thus, for a beginning, you ought to learn more that there are numerous forex exchanging stages accessible.

These stages depend on various programming frameworks. Some product is intended for merchants, others are intended for general forex money managers and some are intended for new forex financial specialists. Each sort of programming enjoys its benefits. Some of them are superior to others in dealing with the forex business. 

Forex Trading Platforms: 

Numerous forex exchanging stages can help you start a forex business. Be that as it may, prior to utilizing any of them, you ought to learn first a few rudiments of cash exchanging. You should take demo exchanging courses to learn above all else about the forex market and exchanging stages. On the off chance that conceivable attempt to choose foundation of rumored representatives since they have a decent standing in the forex exchanging business. 

Learn Basic Strategies: 

For a beginning, you should attempt to gain proficiency with the fundamental systems of forex exchanging. Along these lines, you will figure out how you can misuse the forex market to acquire most extreme benefit. A forex broker should concentrate initial the essentials of business prior to hopping into the forex exchanging business. This will likewise assist you with figuring out how you can foster yourself as a forex broker.

Register with Forex Brokerage Firm: 

The subsequent stage that you should take is to enlist with the forex financier firm. You should search for enrolled forex business firms that offer you free record the executives and furthermore give you forex exchanging signals. Prior to beginning forex exchanging you should check whether the firm you have chosen can give you great forex exchanging signals or not. The signs offered by these forex business firms are for the most part comprised of numerical calculations. 

Forex Trading System: 

A forex exchanging framework is an essential device needed to fire up a forex business. You ought to find out about the forex exchanging framework and how it functions. You ought to likewise get into the forex exchanging frameworks in the event that you are wanting to begin a private venture. The Forex framework can help you make huge benefits. 

You can utilize the monetary business sectors for your potential benefit to make colossal benefits. You can make a decent business of forex exchanging. You ought to likewise pay special mind to other business thoughts like forex business thoughts. These business thoughts are extremely helpful to make enormous benefits. Numerous individuals have gone into business through these business thoughts. All you need is to get familiar with a couple of tips and you will actually want to begin a forex business effectively. 

Discover Good and Reputed Institution: 

To begin a forex business, the critical thing you need is to track down a decent and rumored organization to enlist with. You ought to try not to go for new organizations which are recently dispatched. A decent foundation ought to have a long history. You can generally look for the input of the brokers working there. A decent forex business should consistently offer sensible administrations. 

The best spot to begin forex exchanging is through some presumed organization. You should discover the subtleties of the business before you start this business. You should pay special mind to every one of the subtleties of this business on the exchanging organization site itself.


This is the best platform for beginners who is intrested in the forex market and would like professionals to trade on your behave while you earn daily into your back office and can be withdrawn at anytime you want.

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Kraken is a United States-based crypto trade that previously dispatched in 2011. Since its initiation, it has developed to get perhaps the biggest stage out there. Kraken offers a versatile application that Nigerians can without much of a stretch download and use to purchase, sell, store and exchange digital currencies. 

Kraken charges probably the most minimal exchange expenses among trades and offers extremely cutthroat rates for withdrawals, while supporting zero-expense stores. Nigerians can exchange in excess of 20 distinctive digital currencies more than 100 business sectors on Kraken. Assets put away on Kraken are considered to be profoundly secure: it was the first crypto trade to pass a Proof of Reservation crypto review and furthermore gives its crypto market estimating information to Bloomberg Terminal. 

Kraken's application has a streamlined exchanging interface and is simple for clients to use to purchase and sell digital currencies. Contrasted with different stages on this rundown for Nigerian merchants, the application is somewhat restricted as it doesn't uphold an independent crypto wallet like Coinbase, nor does the trade have a nearby presence like Binance. All things considered, it is a decent stage for clients that are looking for a protected stage for executing digital forms of money.


Coinbase is a United States-based cryptographic money stage that originally dispatched in 2012. It has since assembled a strong standing for giving a safe and easy-to-use approach to purchase and exchange various digital currencies. Its portable wallet application is perhaps the most well known in Nigeria; since its dispatch, more than 43 million clients all around the world have utilized Coinbase's crypto wallet administrations to store their possessions. 

Coinbase wallet is open in excess of 100 nations, including Nigeria, and supports various crypto resources. One thing that is critical to note is that despite the fact that Nigerians can utilize Coinbase's wallet administrations to move their current crypto possessions between wallets, exchanging on the actual trade isn't upheld in Nigeria. 

The quantity of digital currencies upheld through the application shifts relying upon the country you are situated in. For instance, on the off chance that you download the application in Nigeria, you will actually want to access over twelve cryptographic forms of money, including notable coins like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH). 

Coinbase is prestigious for its usability. Fledgling merchants can undoubtedly utilize the stage without getting lost in the midst of a huge load of cutting-edge highlights. More experienced merchants, in the meantime, can select to utilize the Coinbase Pro application to get to cutting-edge devices. One of the novel highlights of the portable wallet incorporates its high-level administration apparatuses and the capacity to screen variances available progressively.



WHATSAPP +2347032416310


 The developing selection of Bitcoin (BTC) and cryptographic forms of money in Nigeria has prodded more crypto trades and stages to build up themselves locally to satisfy the rising needs. 

There is a misguided judgment that Nigerians depend upon obsolete PDAs with a restricted web association. While this may have been genuine 10 years prior, the quantity of cell phone clients as of late has risen forcefully in Africa's most crowded country. As of Apr. 1, 2021, around 170 million mobile phone clients had dynamic web memberships.

In spite of the expansion of digital money applications on the lookout, a couple are upgraded to help Nigerian clients. Crypto applications can be particularly valuable for those merchants who travel a great deal and for the most part access their exchanging accounts through cell phones. In the event that you fall into this class, this guide will give you an outline of the best crypto application alternatives presently out there. 

There are huge loads of digital currency applications in the Nigerian market, which can make picking the correct one hard for a crypto amateur. It is critical to take note of that, at any rate, a decent crypto application ought to give a safe stage that empowers you to execute crypto resources.


Binance is a digital money trade that previously dispatched in China in 2017. Because of the progressively rigid enemy of digital money guidelines in China, Binance is currently a totally decentralized organization. Binance is viewed as probably the best stage out there to purchase, sell and exchange digital forms of money. The trade likewise offers a portable application rendition for cell phone clients. 

The Binance application is a streamlined form of the web stage and offers comparative highlights for all clients around the world. Furthermore, Binance has a nearby presence in Nigeria, which separates it from its rivals on this rundown. 

Additionally, Binance upholds the Nigerian Naira (NGN) as fiat cash on its portable applications, which Nigerians can use for exchanging the Bitcoin (BTC) and Tether (USDT) markets. Binance once in the past empowered direct naira stores and withdrawals, however the Central Bank of Nigeria's crypto boycott in February 2021 incited the stage to pull out this component. Binance immediately gave an option by offering shared (P2P) exchanging for Nigerian clients. 

The Binance application is especially helpful for its wide cluster of highlights that empower clients to get to crypto administrations like DeFi, marking and liquidity cultivating, just as exchanging.

To learn more on how to trade cryptocurrency successful join our coaching program by clicking this link HERE